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How to create a segment based on Comment tags

Using comment tags to create a user segment

Warren Foushee avatar
Written by Warren Foushee
Updated over a week ago

Comment tags allow you to tag certain comments in your projects based on keywords that survey participants have included in their comments. You can then use these tags as the basis for a new segment.

To view the comment tags your survey currently has, head over to the Comments tab in your project.

To view all your tags, scroll down and click Tagging Rules.

Note: Read more about tagging multiple comments here.

All your existing tagging rules will be displayed, showing which keywords in comments will be tagged.

If you want to create a segment based on one of these tags, go to your organization’s CRM and click New Segment.

In the next dialog, click Comment Tag.

From the dropdown list, select the comment tag you wish to associate with this segment and click Continue.

Tip: Just start typing and matching tags will be displayed. 

Enter a name for the segment and then click Create Segment

After creating the segment, you will be presented the option to open the new segment.

You can also see the new segment in your Tag Cloud back on your survey.

You can also create segments by:
🚻 Demographics
Question Response
Meeting or Event
📋 Subscriber Lists
🤳🏻 Project Participants
📧 Email Recipients

See also:

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