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Tracking web traffic by URL
Tracking web traffic by URL

Track traffic from custom URLs

Tyree Dickerson avatar
Written by Tyree Dickerson
Updated over a week ago

While it's possible to track referral traffic on the Participants tab of your project page, you may be interested in a more detailed breakdown of URL traffic. This is particularly helpful if you have custom links and want to summarize how many visitors and views each custom link received. To do this, you'll first need to generate a Dynamic Report.

Once you've created your dynamic report, the next step is to add a Web Traffic by URL engagement stat chart.

To do this, you'll head over to your dynamic report, click Options in the upper right-hand corner, and click +Add to Report.

Select Engagement Summary stats > select your project or topic > under chart type select Traffic by URL.

Click Add to Report to finalize your selection.

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