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Where do the stats listed on the Public Portal come from?
Where do the stats listed on the Public Portal come from?

The metrics on the portal and their origin

McKenzie avatar
Written by McKenzie
Updated over a week ago

Metrics listed on the Public Portal are for the projects that are displayed there, either as listed or featured.

These stats do not include all projects and survey initiatives across your organization. For this reason, the stats seen here on the portal will fluctuate as projects are added or removed (listed/unlisted) from your portal.

To view all-time stats for your organization, navigate to your dashboard (the Home link on the left-hand navigation menu) to view the metrics there, selecting "All Time" for the drop-down on the metric filter (which is automatically set to display metrics for the last 7 days). This will display all historical metrics for your projects, including those that are not included on your portal.

See also:

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