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Common terms and Metrics in your Engagement Dashboard and Reports
Common terms and Metrics in your Engagement Dashboard and Reports

Not sure what we mean by "Participant," "Comment," "Response" or another term? Here's a quick explainer of terms.

Jay Dawkins avatar
Written by Jay Dawkins
Updated over a week ago

Project Summary Data

Views are the numbers of views of the page (not unique)

Participants are unique individuals who have interacted with your project in one of several ways:

  1. Answering a survey question

  2. Submitting a comment

  3. RSVP'ing or attending an event

  4. Calling into your project hotline or meeting

  5. Texting the project keyword and responding to the prompt received

  6. Submitting a comment on social media on a post that has its comments sync'd with a survey question

  7. Responded to a location and/or contact question

  8. Emailed the project email address and the email has been converted to a comment

Note: Email opens, email clicks, and project website viewers are not included in the participant count.

Responses are unique answers to quantitative project questions, such as multiple choice, ranking, and slider questions. Comments are not included in this number, and unlike participants it is not a unique people count. A person choosing three options on a multiple choice question yields three responses, so the response count will likely always be greater than the participant count unless you are primarily asking comment questions.

Comments are open-ended responses to comment questions. If a person answers a comment question multiple time, each response is included in the total comment count.

Subscribers are the number of people who have opted into a subscriber list by providing their contact information (i.e. email, phone, or physical address). Participants can be added to the project subscriber list using a contact information question, embedded signup form, texting into a project keyword, or being added by an admin through an upload. A person signing up for multiple email or text updates within a project or topic (if applicable) can account for multiple subscribers in the subscriber total.

Social Views are number of views from social media (facebook, instagram, etc.)

Text Messaging Engagement

Outbound Text Invites represents a total count of outbound campaign messages sent that have been associated with this topic. This includes outbound campaigns that did not include a survey question (we assume there may be another related call to action), but it does not include transactional messages, such as automated responses and 1-1 conversational messages.

Text Respondents represents a total count of participants who replied with a response other than "STOP" for any thread connected to this topic.

Completed Text Surveys represents the number of times someone responded to all questions in a survey, or reached the end of the survey after going through skip logic. Keep in mind that "menu"-style surveys with a single question are considered completed once a participant responds to the only question in the survey.

Comments are any open-ended response to survey comment questions. Responses to multiple choice questions and conversational replies are not included in this total.

Human conversations are any thread where the respondent exits the automated workflow based on an admin sending a custom reply, or when a participant completes the survey and the admin sends them a non-automated message.

See also:

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