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Filtering downloaded data
Filtering downloaded data

Learn how to choose which data is downloaded on an export

McKenzie avatar
Written by McKenzie
Updated over a week ago

When downloading your data in a .CSV, you can download all the data collected from your project or select the specific data you want to download.

Downloading all data

If you don't make any selections in the Data Output section, you will download all the participants' responses, comments, etc. for all questions.

Filtering data

Let's look at a few examples of filtering downloads.

Example 1

You can select to download responses from participants who answered specific questions.

Example 2

Select to download responses from participants in a particular segment (you have to have created a segment beforehand).

Filtering is a quick way of customizing reports - excluding or including the information you need - before you download data you may not need.

You can also download all comments, comment tags, and emails from the Results & Data tab.

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