How do I download all my data & responses?

How to download a spreadsheet with your project response data, such as comments, quantitative responses,

McKenzie avatar
Written by McKenzie
Updated over a week ago

In addition to creating a Dynamic Report, you can download a .CSV spreadsheet of all participant responses and data, including project responses, contacts, comments, comment tags, and emails associated with the project.

There are two download options on the page to choose from: Response Data and Comment Data. Response Data encompasses all survey responses (quantitative and comments) whereas the comment data export encompasses only comments. Additionally, comment data includes comments for meetings as well as the survey while response data captures data only for the survey itself.

To download your data, navigate on your project dashboard to the Results & Data tab.

Response Data

Response Data allows you to download all your project responses. You can filter your download by excluding responses from people who viewed but didn't participate in your survey; only downloading data for specific questions, downloading data filtered by segment; or by date range which will only include participants who engaged during a specific time period.

This process will generate your results in the background, then add them to the table below the button you clicked to create the export.

*Note: Response data export will put all a participant's responses on one line, meaning one row per participant. The Comments export option will create one row for each comment.


Comment data allows you to download any open ended comments received in your survey or meeting. You can filter your comment data by specific questions, comment tags, smart tags, segmented participants, date range, or by meeting.

To download all comments, leave all fields blank and click Create new Comment data Export.

You can also download a comment tag summary, or smart tag summary if you've enabled smart tags.


You can download a list of participants who subscribed to your project by clicking Topic Default Subscriber List, or who submitted contact information by clicking Download All Participant Contacts.

General records and archiving

If you've used the project-specific email to collect responses or feedback, use the Download Sent and Received Emails to generate a .XLS file of any emails you've received or responded to.

You'll also have a print ready version of your project page that shows all steps content and questions.

Note: To print a survey for gathering paper responses, head to the Meetings & Offline tab.

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