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Requiring login if duplicate anonymous responses received from the same IP Address
Requiring login if duplicate anonymous responses received from the same IP Address

This feature is helpful to prevent or slow "ballot box stuffing". Here's how to enable it, or selectively disable it for a project/survey.

Jay Dawkins avatar
Written by Jay Dawkins
Updated over a week ago

To prevent participants from gaming a question or attempting "ballot box stuffing" by using tools like browser incognito mode, IP-address fraud detection can be turned on at the project level. 

To edit this setting, to the Home screen on your admin dashboard and select a project for which you want to customize anonymous voting settings, e.g. Brad’s Sandbox.

On the project page you can toggle the settings for allowing anonymous participation, specifically for this project. Other projects will not be affected and global settings will not be changed.

To customize these settings, on the main project page for Brad’s Sandbox, at the top right of the page, go to the Settings tab.

Here you can use the green Toggle buttons to enable/disable a setting . In the below example, Require login if duplicate responses received from same IP address is currently enabled.

If you wish to disable this feature for this project, click on the Toggle button.

By disabling this feature, people will be able to anonymously participate in this project as many times as they like from the same IP address without ever having to log in. 

The limit of the number of duplicate responses seen from a single IP address for a specific response is controlled on the Settings page in the Fraud prevention section:

This setting is the source of many questions, and in the interest of simplicity, here is an example of the logical flow that this IP protection setting follows:

Example Scenario
In this example, the system receives a response to a multiple choice question: "What's your favorite ice cream flavor?"

Input received: Participant selects "Chocolate" from IP address ""

PublicInput: Is this participant logged in?

If no, stop and record response. If yes, continue.

PublicInput: Does this project enforce IP protection? 

If no, stop and record response. If yes, continue.

PublicInput: Have we received any other "Chocolate" responses from this IP?

If no, stop and record response. If yes, continue.

PublicInput: Have we already received 2 responses named "Chocolate" from this IP address? (With 2 being the variable we set in Settings page above) 

If no, stop and record response. If yes, stop and request that participant log in.

Tip:  To bypass this function for the purposes of entering paper or offline responses, use Data Entry Mode or Kiosk Mode.

See also:

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