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What is participant anonymity?

How to change or set your participant sign in requirements

McKenzie avatar
Written by McKenzie
Updated over a week ago

Participant anonymity allows you to choose what personal information is required in order to participate in your survey. There are a few different options available to choose from: Fully Anonymous [BETA]*, Allow Anonymous, Light Login, Require Login, and Gated**.

Default options: available for all account types

πŸ‘€ Allow Anonymous

Allows participants to participate anonymously. Users are assigned a random user ID and survey responses are connected to their CRM profile.

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Light login

Participants are able to the view survey, but must provide name and email before their responses are confirmed. Does not require password or authentication.

πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸ’» Require login

Participants must sign into PublicInput with an email or social account (facebook, google, etc.) to answer questions or leave comments.

Other participant anonymity options:

πŸ‘₯ Fully Anonymous [BETA]*

Allows participants to participate anonymously. Users are assigned a random user ID and survey responses are disconnected from their CRM profile.

*This feature is in BETA testing, and must be enabled for the account.

πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸ’» Gated**

Participants must sign in to PublicInput account with an email or social account (facebook, google, etc.) to view the survey page and participate.

**This feature must be enabled for the account.

You can edit this setting at any time on the Page & Survey tab of your project page:

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