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Adding external links to your project
Tyree Dickerson avatar
Written by Tyree Dickerson
Updated over a week ago

While you can add a URL to a question's prompt or to a confirmation message, the link will not be clickable. In other words, participants will need to copy the link and paste it into their browser to navigate to it. It's best practice to ensure any links you've added to your survey are clickable.
To avoid this extra step for participants, you can add a clickable URL/Hyperlink to your project's description, or in a content box:

Within a Content Box, you will select the hyperlink button within the WYSIWYG Editor:

Link/URL Settings window will display. Here, you can paste the target link into the URL box.

You can also customize where the destination link will appear when clicked (new window, new tab, or same window and tab) by setting the Target.

Once you are finished with Link/URL settings, select OK to save the hyperlink. Then, select Save Changes within the content box.

This will officially create a live hyperlink for your participants to click and navigate externally.


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