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Adding images to questions and response options
Adding images to questions and response options
Warren Foushee avatar
Written by Warren Foushee
Updated over a week ago

Before you begin to upload question images, it's important to note that your image file may not be over 10MB (megabytes). You may also want to read up on PublicInput's image guidelines.

To add a new question, click the green Add Question button.

The Create a new question window will appear, where you'll choose your question type.

To edit an existing question, click the Edit gear icon above the question.

 Click the Add Image button beneath the question wording. 

The Media Library window will appear. Here you can select and existing image, drag + drop your image, or search your computer.

To add an image to a response option, save the response options, then click the gear to the right of the response, and then click "Add Image." 

Once you've added your images, click the blue Save New Options button.

Your images will be displayed next to the response options in the live survey (not on the admin survey page,) as you can see below. 

You can add question images to:

✔︎ All quantitative questions
✔︎ Open-ended comment questions
✔︎ Participant Information questions
✔︎ Confirmation messages

You can add question images & response option images to:

✔︎ Select one option
✔︎ Select multiple options
✔︎ Question with correct answer

You cannot add images to:

 ✘ Select shape on map questions
 ✘ Select shape on image questions
 ✘ Demographic questions (predetermined answers based on the census)
 ✘ skip-logic rules

IMPORTANT NOTE: Rank multiple options questions do not support response option images. While you have the ability to add images to a ranking question's response options, the images will not show up in the live survey. Any images you add to a Ranking question will show up if you edit the question and change it to a different question type that supports response option images. [See list above.] 

In the image above, the Rank multiple options question on the left has a single image showing all the color options at the top, while the Choose multiple options question on the right displays an image of each color option with the corresponding response. Learn more about these two question types and when to use them here.

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